- ACSD Student Handbook 24-25
- ACSD Student Athletic Handbook 24-25
- Student Work Permit Instructions & Application
ACSD Student Links
- ALEKS (College Algebra & Trigonometry)
- Clever Portal Grades Kindergarten-12
- Access to i-Ready (K-12), Scholastic Storia (K-12), Learning Ally, Lexia Core 5 & Power Up, Mystery Science (K-6) Studies Weekly (K-6), Ohio As America (4) and Quaver Music (K-6)
- Canvas Grades Preschool-12
- Access to Voces (7-12 World Language)
- CPM Grades 6-12 (Math)
- Realize (Investigations Savvas) Grades Kindergarten-5 (Math)
- Ed: Your Friend in Learning - Eastern World Geography Grade 6 (Social Studies)
- connectED Grade 7 (Social Studies) & Grades 7-8 (Health)
- Fusion (HMH Think Central) Grades 4-6 (Science)
- Dimensions (Ed: Your Friend in Learning) Grades 7-8 (Science)
- Eastern World Geography - Ed Grade 6 (Social Studies)
- Final Forms Grades 7-12 (ATHLETIC Registration)
- Google Grades Preschool-12
- Imagine Learning: Language & Literacy Grades K-3 (ELL)
- Infinite Campus Student Grades 4-12
- InfOHIO Grades Preschool-12 (Ohio's Digital Library)
- Library Online Catalogs for Each School
- PLTW (Project Lead the Way)
- 7 Mindsets (Grades 7-12)
- Support Email for Campus Portal Accounts: campus@athenscsd.org
- Download the Campus STUDENT App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
- Enter Our District Name (Athens City) and State (Ohio).
- District Name should appear (Athens City SD).
- Enter your username and password and Go!
- You can ask your Homeroom (5th-6th), Advisory (7th-8th) or Academic Coaching (9th-12th) teacher if you don't know your username and password.
- If your app is not working properly, delete the app, reinstall it and enter the District ID above and your login information.
- Directions & Information: Infinite Campus Portal Account Information Sheet
- Login: via URL below with your ACSD Google account or or the icon in Google waffle
- URL: https://athenscsd.instructure.
com/ - Support: canvas@athenscsd.org
- Please note that your Canvas account will work after the nightly data sync once you have a schedule in Infinite Campus.
If you need technical assistance for a district Chromebook, please email acs.techhelp@athenscsd.org or call 740-797-4544 ext. 1229.